Martin Braunersreuther

Geschäftsführer Phosphorgewinnung Schkopau

Braunersreuther, Martin_Unterseite


Circular Economy in Action: Phosphorus Recycling from Sewage Sludge Ash

In 2021, Phosphorgewinnung Schkopau GmbH was founded through the collaboration between GELSENWASSER AG and EasyMining Services Sweden AB to build the first Ash2Phos plant. The innovative Ash2Phos technology (A2P process) enables the production of high-purity calcium phosphate (Revocap), which can be used as a substitute for imported mineral phosphates in the phosphorus processing industry. The plant, located in Schkopau, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, has an annual capacity of 30,000 tons of ash and represents an important step in the circular economy.