Florian Schnitzler

Head of Startup unit
NRW.Global Business GmbH

Schnitzler, Florian_Unterseite


North Rhine-Westphalia: hotspot for circular economy and innovation

International companies always find the best opportunities where there is a great deal going on. NRW is a location that has proven one thing in particular: its ability to change. The heavy industry region has become a pioneer in innovation and sustainability. NRW is pursuing a major goal, which is to become the first climate-neutral industrial region in Europe.

In Germany’s most important economic region, North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), the circular economy is one of the most powerful drivers of modernization and transformation. Where so much green transformation is driving an enormously diverse business location in the heart of Europe, NRW.Global Business the state-owned trade and investment agency shows the best way forward and helps international companies find their place among the many opportunities.